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Why Do You Need Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been an important health care method for more than 4,500 years.  Practitioners of this ancient medical practice have experienced clinical success with a variety of health issues.  Today, acupuncture is receiving wide acceptance as a respected, valid and effective form of health care.  It has a proven track record of treating and addressing a variety of endocrine, circulatory and systemic conditions for men, women and children.


Acupuncture and modern medicine, when used together, have the potential to support, strengthen and nurture the body towards health and well-being.

Effectiveness of Acupuncture

The World Health Organization (WHO) completed a review and analysis of controlled clinical trials of acupuncture therapy, and has shown it to be an effective treatment for many diseases, symptoms or conditions.

  • Pain and Injuries Acupuncture relieves pain and helps with the healing process. Low Back Pain, Arthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, Migraine, Bursitis, Neuropathy, Sports/Auto Injuries, Tennis Elbow, Tendonitis, Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fasciitis, TMJ, Clenched Jaw, Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff, Myofascial Pain, Morton’s Neuroma, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Osteoarthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dental Pain, Pelvic Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles), Athletic Injuries, Accident Injuries, Whiplash


  • Neurological Conditions Sleep Apnea, Musculoskeletal Weakness and Paralysis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Dysfunction, Bladder or Bowel Dysfunction, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)


  • Cancer Treatment Side Effects Acupuncture has an additional beneficial use as anesthesia.  In pain control, when used post-operatively, it also gives support to and speeds recovery from the side effects of the various therapies; nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, immunodeficiency, post-surgery care, dry mouth, difficult swallowing.


  • Cardiovascular  Arrhythmia, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Myocardial Ischemia, Angina Pectoris, High/Low Blood Pressure, Hypertension and can help prevent Cardiac Muscle Hypertrophy


  • Mental Health  Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), Insomnia, ADD/ADHD, Stress, Anxiety, Addiction (alcohol, smoking), Cravings (sugar, junk food)


  • Pediatric Studies of acupuncture with children have shown its usefulness in managing Post-surgical Nausea (i.e., the removal of tonsils and adenoids), Poor Appetite, ADD/ADHD, Indigestion, Chronic Cough, Bed-Wetting, Autism, Delayed Development and Chronic Stomach Pain


  • Digestion Acid Reflux, Indigestion, Hiccupping, or Heartburn, Helps the gut absorb nutrients and eliminate waste when suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chronic Stomach Pain, Nausea, Constipation, Crohn’s Disease, or Colitis, Diabetes


  • Skin Diseases Acupuncture in dermatology improves blood flow in order to increase nutrition to the area, which helps skin heal.  The increased blood flow improves the immune cell response to resolve inflammation.  Patients have experienced beneficial results in the treatment of Alopecia, Dermatitis, Erythema Pruritis, Pityriasis, Pruritis, Rosacea, Systemic Lupus, Urticaria, Hives, Eczema, Acne, Wrinkles, Psoriasis or Itchy/Dry Skin


  • Women's Health Irregular periods, PMS, Menopausal symptoms:  Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Hormonal Imbalances, Infertility, Vaginitis, Decreased Libido, Prolapse (Vagina, Bladder)


  • Men's Health Erectile Dysfunction, Decreased Libido, Infertility, Prostatitis, Excess/Frequent Urination, Hormonal Imbalances


AcuTherapy, LLC

(617) 694-9415

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With love and gratitude to A. Broski & K. Spencer for all the support and time with editing this site!

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