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How does it work?


Rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. The skin and superficial muscle layers are then drawn into and held in the cup moving blood within a region to stimulate healing.  A reaction called neovascularization (the development of new blood vessels, especially in tissues where circulation has been impaired by trauma or disease) feeds the treated areas with nutrients and oxygen, leading to lasting pain relief.  The vacuum pulls stagnant blood out of the area which can leave marks indicating that the stagnation has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface.  These marks tend to fade in 2-5 days.


While cups can be applied to any area of the body, they are regularly placed over the lungs improving lung function.  It is used to treat respiratory conditions by improving the circulation of energy, boosting immunity and helps to deepen breathing.  Commonly, cupping helps to fight off the early symptoms of the common cold, stimulate expectoration of phlegm, reduce the symptoms and length of pneumonia and bronchitis and helps to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. 


Cupping clears excess heat from the body that taxes the liver.  Heat is created by stress, eating processed foods, drinking alcohol or coffee, and taking pharmaceuticals causing toxins to build up in the body.  When there is bloating, gas, loose stools or abdominal distension; cupping can help clear the Spleen-Stomach system that is strained by a diet of rich, high-fat and processed foods.  By relaxing stomach muscles and improving blood flow, cupping can help improve the digestive system and increase nutrient absorption.


AcuTherapy, LLC

(617) 694-9415

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With love and gratitude to A. Broski & K. Spencer for all the support and time with editing this site!

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